Pupper Pyramid AKA Dog House
While researching shelter building methods, I thought about creating a shelter
using rigid insulation covered with a bit of a protective coating. The process
intrigued me enought that I decided to get some "hands on" experience.
Since I didn't want to build a human sized shelter, I opted for something a bit
smaller… like a dog house.
Gather Supplies

2 sheets of 1½" rigid insulation; and a tube of construction adhesive.
Cut panels

The sheet was cut laterally at angles to create 4 isoscelese triangles.
pyramid calculator
helped me with the angles. A doorway was also cut, and the removed piece was saved for later.
Assembled with tape and glue

The panels were glued at the seams, and held firm with packaging tape.
The saved doorway piece covers the doorway
Wrapped with sheet

This is an old bed sheet, cut up and stapled to the foam frame.

The sheet was given multiple coats of a thin slurry made of latex paint, water, and
portland cement. The coating dried to a hard shell that helps protect the soft foam.
Base of the floor
A handle to haul the floor around
A good spot for a dog house?

The floor is 1x10 pine, coated with danish oil

Well there you go, a pup in pyramid!