It started with a brief conversation about cajóns; and then it was time to build one.
Another drum certainly wasn't something I had any plans to build, but a cajón can be made entirely of wood,
there is a bunch of scrap wood ready to be used for a new project, and Curiosity asked the question:
How do I build a cajón?
The first step: making a design based on available materials.
The Drum Head

Rough Framing

Attach the Drumhead

Enlarged Bass Hole and Stain

Add Some Feet


With Coffee For Reference

As far as wood working projects go, the cajón has an exacting need for accurate 90° angles. This build was quick and a bit sloppy. There is a bit of offset with this cajón; it isn't terrible, but being more square in the corners would be an improvement.
Once the cajón was completed, I made some pitiful attempts at beating a rhythm, then I watched some instructional vids on the interwebs for some basic 4/4 time beats; which then led me to smack a simple 6/8 beat on the box.
Ideally, I'd like to make recordings of the 4/4 and 6/8 time beats, so that I can listen to the beat while practicing music. Unfortunately, all of my recording devices are designed primarily for human voice, and my attempts to record the cajón have so far resulted in nothing but capturing the high-end with no bass whatsoever. bummer
Jezra :)