Project Griswold: rigging a canoe for sailing
The fever hit me in the form of a boat, and there are very few cures for a case of Boat-Fever other than acquiring a boat. Thus, a canoe was acquired. That being said, once an object is in my possession, it is difficult for me to not modify/upgrade the thing.
This is a pictoral tale of the mods I made to a canoe during the Summer of 2019. Originally, I had hoped to post about each of the main components that were created for the canoe, but that simply wasn't happening fast enough, and thus I decided to post all of the boat modifications at once. Technically, the majority of components are removable and aren't actually "modifications", but you get the idea.
The canoe!

16' Wenonah Prospector… the "Lewis & Clark" model
Clark, Clark, Clark?
Obviously I needed to name the project after the greatest adventurer named "Clark"
Clark W. Griswold
Yup, it can paddle around

Paddling is over-rated, so I built a detachable motor mount

The canoe did not want a motor

Obviously the canoe wanted a more natural mode of propulsion, and at this time it was decided that wind power was the best way to go.
starting the rudder mount

the bolt on bracket for the rudder

Design some outrigger/ama/mini-hulls

Inkscape was used to rough out a design for outriggers
Hopefully the depth of the outriggers negates the need for a dagger board
Outrigger pieces cut

Outrigger skeletons, glued and screwed

Rigid insulation cut for the outriggers

Initial design of the kick-up rudder and rudder box

Why not draw designs directly on the wood?

Clamping the insulation onto the outrigger skeleton

Smoothed with a rasp and power sander

Rudder and rudder-box mostly complete

A cap for the rudder axle

Finished axle

A yoke on the axle box

The rudder retracts quite well

Find a new tiller

Fiberglassing the outriggers

Designing clamps for the outrigger arms/akas

Akas are done, man

Mast source

knotwork holding the outriggers to the arms

Laminating a mast

Remove the corners

Making the bolt-on mast housing

Paint does not hide everything

Roughing the sail shape

the sail is based on the 36 square feet sail from
the sail is cut

Hella sinister scissors make every project better

Making the yards

Sippin and sewing


Stable enough for a hyper puppers

This was the first trip to the lake with the outriggers, and it was a real learning experience. Tear down, load up, transport, unload, set up, and hit the water. Inefficiencies were found, and remedied.
Sheep poo

Mast foot

Holy crap that looks bad, but it works!

Cruising at 3KPH

Griswold isn't the fasted boat on the water, and that's OK. Any use of wind power for propulsion is time that I am not paddling. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy going for a paddle, but I also like using the wind to help me explore the lake.
jezra :)