Fixing A Busted Coffee Cup
Sad sad day
It was bound to happen some day. One moment I'm peacefully hacking some
code, and the next thing I know, an out of control elbow sent my cup of
coffee crashing to the floor. Not being one to waste a perfectly good
broken mug, I decided to
the mug.
Gather some supplies!
Simply adhering the broken pieces together is a tad bit boring, and no
one really wants to drink from a cup that's been repaired with J-B Weld.
Bust out some of the bottom
Using some vice grips as a hammer, the base of one cup piece was broken
away completely. The next step involved putting the cup back together
with one of the new bottom pieces offset to allow liquids to easily pass
through the cup.
Better than ever!
Hot Damn, I sure do like that
Once the adhesive had cured, the new cup was filled with sheep manure, placed in the Sunshine, and watered daily... just to see what would grow.
To the surprise of no one, grass is growing. :)